Huwebes, Marso 6, 2014

Buying a Cafe Chairs: Top 5 Mistakes Not to Make

There are 5 common mistakes that most cafe owners and managers make when shopping for their cafe chairs around the world. Those mistakes are deeply rooted in our social order, traditions, and perceptions created by mass marketing techniques.

1. Looking for Brand
Many buyers around the world look for brand rather than functionality. It starts with peer pressure in early stages (high school) and continues to live with the entrepreneur till the day he decides to buy those cafe chairs for his pub. How does brand fit into this?
Cafe owners will find themselves looking for a brand they've seen on a famous website, or even featured on Oprah as one of the best brands for the year. This is one of the biggest mistakes, since cafe owners end up with chairs that do not fit their pub's theme, design, layout, etc.
There are two key elements to consider for you not to fall into the "brand trap" as many experts call it: price and its effect.
Price does not convey functionality and quality, no matter how much we'd love to think so. You can buy a couch for a $200 and have it at your pub for more than 2 years, and you can buy a $1000 couch that gets torn the first minute a customer moves (those studded jeans can seriously damage your chairs).
The second thing to consider is to the need to prioritize. This falls under the effects factor, since buying expensive furniture will only leave you short on money to focus on other factors such as machines, decoration, etc. It is important for the buyer to remember that brands can be quite heavy on the budget, whereas run-of-the-mill cafe chairs can bring excellent results without leaving you broke.

2. Picking the Wrong Colors
Many post-modern design enthusiasts might tell you: there is no wrong or right when it comes to colors. However, mixing colors can bring unwanted results if done haphazardly. Commercial Outdoor FurnitureMany people will stop going to a pub simply because the colors are an eye sore: too bright, or too dark and gloomy.
One mistake under this category is to pick random colors under the assumption that it will create a "Modern" or "Hip" look. Randomness for modernity is an image enforced by the media, yet any design expert can tell you not all colors can be harmonious in relation to your cafe's setting and theme.
On the other hand, many cafe owners tend to overmatch colors, making their cafe look very monotonous. You come across many cafes in which the curtains match the color of the chairs' cushions, and the tables match the color of the wallpaper. Not only does this technique convey a very orderly and proper atmosphere, this also creates boredom for the eye, your customer will find himself falling asleep.

3. Picking the Wrong Textures
Textures are one of the most important aspects when picking your cafe chairs. Wrong textures make customers less willing to visit your pub for two reasons: discomfort and fear. You might think this is such a huge statement to make, however; let's examine such claims.
Some textures can cause discomfort for your customer during certain seasons and settings. If your pub is located in an area known to go through at least 3 heat waves every year, picking leather for your cafe chairs might not be a wise choice, since it will scorch your customer's skin. This will lead to extreme discomfort and dissatisfaction with your cafe.
Another aspect in relation to textures is how your cafe chair's texture it fits with your customers' lifestyle. If your cafe is located near a construction site, you can expect your customers' to carry around a lot of dust and stains. A customer might feel self-conscious sitting on sensitive fabrics that might stain easily. This usually calls for more durable, stain friendly textures that won't leave your customer self-conscious about sitting and moving about.

4. Picking the Wrong Design
Picking the wrong design for your cafe chairs can also create a lot hassle in the future. Wrong designs also rely on the environment in which your cafe is located. Chairs with intricate engravings tend to be "dust gatherers" and will require your staff to clean them frequently and carefully; do you really want your customer to look at the dusty edges while enjoying his time?
Another design mistake is to pick eccentric designs that haven't been tested before. So you might think that Swivel Egg chairs will make a perfect leap in design: modern and hip. However, eccentric designs don't fare well on the long run. In case of damage, you'll find that their maintenance cost and time is expensive and troublesome. Cafe Furniture SuppliersYou should opt for cafe chairs that won't get damaged easily, and if they do, won't require a professional to fix them - professional maintenance is very expensive nowadays. Pick ones you can easily fix while sipping a g cup of coffee before opening hours.

5. Picking the Wrong Shape or Height
Bearing in mind your customer's lifestyle is one of the most basic elements of picking size and height of your chairs. If your customers are relatively of average height, there's no reason to bring cafe stools that would take forever to climb on.

In conclusion, cafe owners should think about the consequences behind every purchase, since all those mistakes can be easily avoided once you have your customers' lifestyle and area's background in mind. Conducting a simple survey before re-decorating is one helpful way to determine the perfect choice of cafe chairs. Buying cafe chairs should conducted after some time of careful research and customer observance

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